Burg Calendar
project: Weekly calendar 2013 for Burg Giebichenstein University of Art and Design
project management: Judith Schenkluhn
client: Burg Giebichenstein University of Art and Design
concept: Anja Kaiser and Andrea Tinnes
typefaces: Burg Letters, Burg Grotesk, Minion
translation: Patrick Sheehan
This is now the nineteenth consecutive occasion that Burg Giebichenstein University of Art and Design Halle has presented a selection of artistic and design works by foreign students. With the ‘Burg Calendar 2013’, we have changed the format and function of the calendar and have opted for a weekly calendar in postcard format that offers lots of space for your personal notes. Also included in the calendar are artistic and design works by foreign students who are enrolled at the university. The calendar thus aims to support foreign students, foster their integration and increase their visibility, while also serving as a useful tool for planning and managing your appointments and schedule. Around ten percent of the students enrolled at Burg Giebichenstein are foreign students. Comprehensive, targeted support and guidance is available to them to help them become integrated into university life. In its own special way, the ‘Burg Calendar’ helps to encourage and support foreign students in various regards. It offers the twelve artists and designers who have been chosen by the specialist jury a valuable opportunity to become more widely known as Burg Giebichenstein artists and students far beyond the confines of the university environment too.

Photos: Falko Gerlinghoff